I thought that Gever Tulley’s approach to learning was quite interesting. The fact that he takes a hand on approach rather than learning it from a book or an instruction manual is a smart idea and a breath of fresh air. In life oftentimes we learn things by trial and error and in doing so along the way often our path can be filled with failure, but if we are able to learn valuable lessons from our failures we are better individuals for it. The use of the old adage of, “pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again,” fits well here.
Education as a whole in the United States could learn something from Gever Tulley’s approach and start thinking outside the box. I’m not saying that some teachers don’t already do but many do not. Many people, especially children, learn better by doing, rather than reading it from a book or manual. Although planning is planning is necessary to bring your ideas into fruition, sometimes we tend to over plan and lose sight of the fun of just doing it. I know from a personal stand-point that I am able to learn more by doing than by necessarily reading it out of a book, although I can learn things that way as well. Working from a vision that I have in my mind of how the finished product should look like offers me the greatest satisfaction in a job well done. Along the way there were often revisions and setbacks, but each was a learning experience and together they helped build character.
What I found of interest in the video was how the kids were able to work as a team and learn to overcome adversity and overcome it. In doing so they were able to build some cool, innovative and impressive projects with marvelous ingenuity. Their projects were also decorated with wonderful and creative design. With Gever’s help they were able to build aerodynamic design projects and ideas and use the landscape surrounding them to their advantage, which I found encouraging. In the future I would greatly appreciate attending one of his seminars around the country and would encourage others to do so too. Here is the link to the video http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/gever_tulley_s_tinkering_school_in_action.html